Wednesday, July 15, 2020, Ahmad Dahlan University’s Office of Business and Innovation held an online business talk amid the co-19 pandemic conditions
business talk was attended by 30 participants from Indonesia using the zoom application. business talk is done with the Theme:
start a prototyping innovative research product facing a new normal phase of the pandemic COVID-19
With special speakers:
Anton Yudhana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (Electrical engineering lecturer of FTI UAD, Vice director of KUBI UAD) and
Dr. Kintoko, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt. (Pharmacy lecturer of UAD, Director of KUBI UAD) as a moderator.
some core points Delivered by Dr. Anton Yudhana, S.T., M.T. among others :
• Strategic framework for strengthening the innovation system
• Product prototyping advantages
• 9 Levels of Technology Preparedness
• Level of Innovation Readiness (Katsinov)
• Katsinov’s concept
• The success rate of yields on the market
• Design thinking in helping innovation
• Benefits of thinking design
It is expected that with business talk Prototyping products will make product value greater. Product prototyping consists of design, physical, and documentation needed so that the product can be commercialized maximally.