KUBI and KUI Routine Coordination Meeting for the GITA-Erasmus program
On thursday, May 7 2020, Ahmad Dahlan University’s Office of Business and Innovation held a joint coordination meeting with Ahmad Dahlan University’s Office of International Affairs online amid the covid-19 pandemic conditions.
The meeting was attended by 8 participants from the Office of Business and Innovation and the Office of International Affairs using Skype applications. Coordination is carried out to evaluate and improve the performance of KUBI. Presented by Dr. Anton Yudhana, S.T., M.T. that the Office of Business and Innovation will improve facilities to keep KUBI optimal for tenants, which one of it is by updating the website and tenants data.
“KUBI will give a target to the tenants that use KUBI discussion room facilities and the timeline within a maximum of three to 6 months must produce a product,” said the representative of KUI UAD, Ida Puspita S.S., M.A.Res.
According to Mrs. Ida, the office of business and innovation must innovate, it can be a provider of special discussion room for tenants, which can facilitate them to make a product as the result.
Kamis 07 Mei 2020, Kantor Urusan Bisbis dan Inovasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan melakukan rapat koordinasi Bersama Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Ahmad Dahlan secara daring ditengah kondisi pandemic covid-19.
Rapat dihadiri 8 peserta dari Kantor Urusan Bisbis dan Inovasi dan Kantor Urusan Internasional menggunakan apikasi Skype. Koordinasi dilakukan untuk evaluasi dan meningkatkan kinerja KUBI. Disampaikan oleh Dr. Anton Yudhana, S.T., M.T. bahwa Kantor Urusan BIsnis dan Inovasi akan meningkatkan fasilitas guna menjaga KUBI tetap maksimal bagi tenant, salah satunya yaitu dengan update website dan data tenant.
“Tenant memakai fasilitas ruang diskusi KUBI dikasih target, timeline dalam waktu maksimal tiga hingga 6 bulan harus menghasilkan produk,” ungkap perwakilan dari KUI UAD, Ida Puspita S.S., M.A.Res.
Menurutnya, kantor urusan bisnis dan inovasi harus melakukan inovasi salah satunya memberikan ruang diskusi khusus untuk tenant harapanya memudahkan tenant untuk menghasilkan produk.