Training Kubi’s Entrepreneur Program
Follow-up the Kubi program is carried out by conducting training for the selected student team. The three teams that participated in the training from kubi were the team which is a souvenir making business, Prek Ndul which is a business in the culinary field, and Kiddyfams which is a babysitting service. The training from kubi was carried out for 3 days, from 6 to 8 September 2021, which was located in the Kubi meeting room on campus 2 UAD.
The speaker of the training material for the selected team is Dr. Riduwan, S.E., M.Ag, Farid Ma’ruf, S.T., M.Eng, Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc, Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa, S.H.I., M.H, Nisrina Nafiatul Huda, S.T., M.S.M, and Indah Shofiyah SE, M.Sc. The provision of material from the lecturers is expected to be able to support businesses and equip students who have businesses to better run and develop their businesses.
The funding from Kubi uad was carried out on the third day of training to each team leader by providing feedback reports at the end of the use of funds.